Your program, your workout, your results, available any time, anywhere!
Your everyday activity can be accounted for in your workout program – Your profile is constantly updated – You always know where you are and what you need to do to quickly and efficiently reach your goals!
The Most Advanced Technology
Click the image above to play video about the Unity System.
Technology Is Key
Participate in mywellness™ and your entire fitness program is stored in the cloud accessible by you mobile device or, if you want, on your Wellness System Key™.  Your workout schedule, the specific requirements of each exercise in your circuit and more are easily accessible. The system tells you what exercises to perform in each workout session, the number of reps to perform, and it monitors the speed at which you exercise and recommends adjustments if necessary. It even lets you know if you reached your goal or not.
Your workout results go to our cloud server and if you have a personal trainer, to them too. Your program is instantly up to date and can be modified when needed. Plus any activity outside of the center can be accounted for and your program updated accordingly. With the Wellness Systemâ„¢ you are always working toward your goals.
All of this maximizes your workouts and activity and helps you reach your goals more efficiently. Plus, it helps to keep you more motivated to reach your goals.