
About Bodhi

Contributing Editor, writer, official observer of the human condition, and world traveler (but predominately a Francophile). Los Angeles native. Happy the Rams are back home where they belong. Blood type: Malibu +

The Ever Expanding Universe and Your Waistline

This month marks the 100th Anniversary of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, and that means PARTY TIME!  But before you begin your celestial celebration, keep in mind that aspects of the theory of general relativity (or rather, where the theory is weak (that’s a joke in itself)) could mean that eating too much party food [...]

The 30 Minute Workout

A few weeks ago, in his post “Focused Intensity”, Brian mentioned that - “…the idea that 30 minutes of cardio a day will reduce your risk of heart disease has been proven to be inadequate”. This caused a number of people to ask “Wait, working out 30 minutes is worthless?” Hardly.  Thirty minutes is certainly [...]
