
About Bodhi

Contributing Editor, writer, official observer of the human condition, and world traveler (but predominately a Francophile). Los Angeles native. Happy the Rams are back home where they belong. Blood type: Malibu +

Book Club – Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

This week we review Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" “If you follow a plant-based nutrition program to reduce your total cholesterol level to below 150 mg/dL and the LDL level to less than 80 mg/dL, you cannot deposit fat and cholesterol into your coronary arteries. Period.” [...]

Mike Pace Embodies Fitness as a Lifestyle

In one of his first blog pieces on our website Brian Pinamonti wrote, “True fitness is a lifestyle of unwavering commitment, a lifestyle that focuses on the ultimate goal, which is your health and well-being.”  At Pinamonti Wellness Center we’re all about fitness as a lifestyle and not just something you do from time to [...]

James Zimmerman is our Featured Member of the Month

After a health fair at his place of employment James Zimmerman realized that he needed to lose weight. At the time of his health screening James weighed 221lbs, so he decided to join Pinamonti Fitness Center and get in shape. At the time James became a member, Pinamonti Fitness Center was about to begin [...]

Kelli Gaddy Runs – Ends Up Further Than She Thought

Running, like life, leads you along a path. Sometimes it takes you where you anticipated going and sometimes it takes you someplace different. We all have our reasons for taking the path we take. In Kelli Gaddy’s case it started by joining our Pinamonti Run club and eventually along a path that took her [...]

Jennifer Malan is our Featured Member of the Month

Sometimes in life’s journey you go down one path and it leads to a number of changes you never expected. There are two ancient zen proverbs which state “Move and the way will open,” and “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear,” and so it was for Jennifer Malan, our featured member of [...]

If You Use Common Sense The Answer Is Obvious

Life happens in a structured order. The same goes for how your body functions and responds. It’s part of the natural order of things, and for people looking for a quick fix then the way the body - and nature - works can prove to be disappointing. In today’s world of “I want it and [...]

Patience Prevailed Post PT

It’s been a while since we last visited Sunni while she was in physical therapy after her shoulder surgery, so we thought we’d check in and see how, and what, she has been doing since completing her therapy. After her discharge from PT Sunni continued resistance work until she had reached the level of [...]

Movement Is Life

In the internet universe, quotes, more times than not, are wrongly attributed to someone. Any time you’re surfing the web you will inevitability come across a picture of a famous historical person with a quote, something they supposedly said, but did not. The quotes are either misquoted, wrongly attributed, or worse (and most often) [...]

Gerry Kramer Is Proving That Movement Is Life

A couple of weeks ago there was a note on my desk from our company President. It listed the name of one of our members and after the name was written “Serious dedication, great attitude, positive outlook,” all of which are traits that the boss admires and all of which are essential to achieve [...]

Sleep – An Important Part of Training

You’re working out a lot, cranking it for all it’s worth. You’re intense. It’s almost like you’re going 24/7. You don’t have time for sleep because you’re just too damn intense! Heck, there’s even the theme from Rocky playing in your head when you’re working out because that’s how awesome you are. And with so [...]
